The family of the late Eileen Doherty wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expressions of love and support shown to us during Eileen’s time in hospital and our recent sad bereavement.
Our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, work colleagues and extended family circle for their kindness in calling at the home, sending Mass cards, letters and messages of sympathy and to all those from near and far who attended her funeral.
Our sincere thanks to Fr Joseph Wozniak for the celebration of Requiem Mass and his spiritual guidance and Rosemary Kelly for the beautiful music.
A special word of thanks to all those dedicated doctors, nurses, and care teams on Ward 1 North and Ward 2 South/Stroke at Craigavon Area Hospital. Their exceptional medical care shown to Eileen during her illness was sincerely appreciated.
We also extend our appreciation to Francie and the staff of McAlinden & Murtagh Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements.
We would also like to thank those who chose to donate to Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke in lieu of flowers, which will provide much needed support to local people still living with cardiovascular conditions.
As it would be impossible to individually thank all those whose kindness has brought comfort to us, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with our sincere gratitude.
Eileen’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday January 16, at 7.00 pm in St. Peter’s Chapel, Lurgan.
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