The daughter, son-in-law and family of the late Joseph (Joe) Elliott would like to thank all those who supported and sympathised with us, during our recent sudden bereavement.
We wish to sincerely thank our family, friends and neighbours who have helped in so many ways during this difficult and sad time.
Special thanks has to go to all who helped at and attended Dad’s wake. We so appreciated those who kindly brought food, visited, telephoned, sent texts or cards. Sincere thanks to Brian and Cordelia’s for their generosity and kindness.
As a family we wish to acknowledge the excellent care Dad received in Sunnymead Residential Home. We also wish to recognise the excellent care given by the paramedics and staff at both Craigavon Area Hospital and the Royal Victoria Hospital.
We are very grateful to Pastors Ian Grant and Mark Patterson for providing spiritual support in the RVH and at the home. Also, to Pastor Mark Patterson and Rev. Edwin Frazer for assisting at the funeral service.
Thanks to all those who helped in anyway at the funeral service, remembering especially past colleagues from the RUC GC and police choir, who together formed a Guard of Honour at the church.
We would like to acknowledge the professionalism of Linda and her staff from Major’s Pantry when providing the tea after the funeral service.
Finally, we will always be grateful to Mr Stephen Stoops and his team for the dignified and professional way in which Dad’s funeral was planned and carried out.
To all those who continue to offer kindness and care and to those who have donated to Open Doors, we are so grateful.
It is impossible to thank everyone individually but hope that this will be accepted as a sincere acknowledgement to all.
Roy and Joanne Frazer.
“Psalm 121”
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