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Annaghad Road in Culloville is to be completely resurfaced

Roads Service has confirmed that the Annaghad Road in Culloville is to be completely resurfaced

And councillor Terry Hearty has welcomed the announcement.

“Over the past few years I have lobbied to get drainage schemes carried out on this road and while these have been successful the road has been in need of resurfacing,” said Cllr hearty

“Over the years there have been many more homes built along the Annaghad Road and this has led to increased traffic volume on the road.  Many residents had mentioned the poor state of the roads surface to me and I raised their concerns with Roads Service.

“I am pleased to say that Roads Service have taken these concerns on board and have agreed to carry out these works before the end of the financial year in March.

“Hopefully there will not be too much disruption while this is being done but I know that the local residents will understand that any short term inconvenience will be outweighed by the enhanced safety and drivability of the new road once it has been resurfaced.

“I am currently working on a number of other roads in the locality which are in need of repair and I hope to have positive news on them in due course.”

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