A Co Armagh company was today fined and sentenced at Newry Crown Court after failing to provide adequate safety measures on a chain and flight conveyor used to move animal feed from the mixing plant to the bagging area.
Mason Animal Feeds Ltd, of Marlacoo Road, Hamiltonsbawn, Armagh was found guilty after a 17-year-old employee had his right arm dragged into the conveyor while trying to clear a blockage.
As a result his right arm and wrist were severely damaged, to the extent that he now has very limited mobility in his hand and wrist.
HSENI Inspector Sean Keogh said: “Employers must ensure that all machinery is adequately guarded and that the employees are trained, competent and authorised to operate machinery.
“It is also essential that employers provide health and safety information to their employees that is clear and easily understood.”
Breaches and fines for Mason Animal Feeds Ltd are as follows:
a) Article 4(2) of the Health and Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978, fine £40,000
b) Regulations 8 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (NI) 1999, fine £40,000
c) Regulations 11 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (NI) 1999, fine £40,000
d) Court costs of £976.