An Armagh man who bit two officers and twisted the testes of one of them has been handed a suspended jail sentence.
And as the 22-year-old came before court on Tuesday, it was revealed the defendant did not leave the house for two or three years after the offences after it was all caught on video and published online.
Sean Mallon, of Tullymore Downs, pleaded guilty to possession of a Class A drug, disorderly behaviour, resisting police and three counts of assault on police at the city’s Magistrates’ Court.
The court heard the incident occurred on September 13, 2015, when police observed the defendant running around erratically on Lower English Street, Armagh. It was noted he appeared to have a bloody nose.
As officers approached Mallon a small plastic bag containing a white substance fell from his pocket.
Police attempted to arrest the defendant for suspected possession of Class A drugs, but he lashed out.
More officers were called to the scene, but handcuffs could not be put on Mallon as he continued to kick out.
It was heard the defendant bit one officer on the stomach; others attempted to get him to release his grip by hitting him with open palms.
When Mallon eventually released the officer he once more bit him on the leg before continuing to shout and swear.
Court heard the defendant would bite another officer on the inside of his right thigh; this time when he released he grabbed the testes of the same constable and twisted them.
Limb restraints had to be used to get Mallon under control and more police had to be called to control the crowd which had gathered around the incident.
Whilst en route to the police station the defendant continued to be aggressive kicking one officer in the face who had leaned into the back of the vehicle to check up on him.
Mallon was later interviewed and denied all involvement.
Court heard the substance was found to be 1.68g of cocaine.
Defence barrister Kevin O’Hare said the defendant “accepted the blame and was ashamed by his behaviour”.
It was pointed out that a video of the incident had been placed on the internet which had only embarrassed Mallon further.
Mr O’Hare stated the defendant “did not leave the house for two or three years following these offences”.
He added that Mallon had now “turned his life around” with “steady constant employment” and involvement in semi-professional football.
District Judge Paul Copeland stated: “There are a number of mitigating factors in this appalling incident in which you behaved in a crazed and extremely violent way.
“The custody threshold has been met as not only did you confront police but left them with injury, pain and distress.”
However, District Judge Copeland added: “You have shown genuine remorse, a clear record since and before, along with a desire to make amends.”
Mallon was sentenced to five months in prison suspended for two years.
He was also ordered to pay compensation of £2,000 to the injured police officers in this offence.
Judge Copeland told the defendant: “Let this be the first and last time you are in this court.”