Despite strong footfall figures showing that the Navan Centre in Armagh is a very popular destination, it was revealed at a recent ABC Economic Development & Regeneration Committee meeting that the venue has failed in its bid for a £5m regeneration grant.
The relevant agenda item, circulated at the meeting, gives a measure of the popularity of the interpretative centre.
Referring to figures for the 2024 summer months, the report states: “During this period the Navan Centre had 13,590 visitors and sold 6,059 tickets for its tours and events.
“The ‘Lughnasa Festival, Return of the Wickerman’ event achieved its highest-ever sales with over 700 tickets sold.
“The event received excellent feedback from visitors, with 100% positive responses. Visitors came from across Northern Ireland and the border counties.
“Delivered with the support of the entire staff team and additional activities delivered by new and existing partners, the event provides a good platform to build on future years.
“’Forged in Steel, a Viking Living History’ event brought in 340 visitors, representing a 10-fold increase on visitor numbers for that weekend.
“Feedback also achieved 100% positive responses. Enhanced experiences including workshops and talks continue to sell well.
“’Ancient Influencers’ was a particular highlight for the Autumn equinox.
“Following the summer vacation the education team welcomed back school groups for the new school year.
“Throughout the period a range of activities were facilitated including the Vikings, Victorian Boxes in the Attic and World War II.
“All activities were highly commended, especially by groups on their first visit.
“The education team was requested to perform their ever-popular Storytelling programme to local children as part of a Royal visit to the area.
“The team was able to showcase their range of programmes and was well received by attending youth groups and special guests.”
Referring to these excellent visitor figures, Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon (SDLP, Armagh DEA) asked at the meeting: “I just note and welcome the visitor numbers for Navan Centre.
“Previously there was a discussion about bringing forward development plans or proposals.
“[Regarding] investment in the Navan Centre, I just want to ask where that is?
“I know there was a previous bid for Shared Island or Levelling Up funds. I just would be interested to see where that’s currently sitting.”
Head of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Brian Johnston replied: “You are correct. There was an initial application into Levelling Up which was unsuccessful.
“The bid was in the region of £5m for an overhaul of the offering within the site, and then subsequently we have submitted the same information to Shared Island. We are awaiting a response.
“In the meantime, it’s been more smaller-scale revenue-based interventions, rather than wider capital interventions, but there are plans in place if funding becomes available.”