An Armagh teenager who got verbally aggressive at a local hotel on Boxing Day has been handed a £150 fine and been told to “grow up”.
The district judge told the 19-year-old, who aspires to be a journalist: “You want to be writing the news not being in it”.
Eoin Killen, of Abbey Park, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour at the city’s Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
Court heard that police at the Armagh City Hotel came across the defendant who was shouting aggressively.
This continued despite him being warned on two separate occasions.
Killen was arrested for disorderly behaviour but calmed down quickly and so was subsequently de-arrested.
Court heard the defendant had been handed an 18-month probation order for two counts of common assault and criminal damage at Laganside last week.
District Judge Brian Archer stated: “I see you want to be a journalist. You want to be writing the news, not being in it.”
Defence counsel commented: “This was Boxing Night and a lot of alcohol had been taken.”
Killen was ordered to pay a fine of £150, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within 20 weeks.
Judge Archer told the teenager: “You need to grow up, you do not want to be before this court again”.