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Bail for man accused of assaulting partner ‘leaving her dropping in and out of consciousness’

The district judge advised: 'I would suggest that you get a solicitor as these are serious charges which you are facing'

A man who is alleged to have kicked and punched his partner while she lay on the ground, leaving her dropping in and out of consciousness, has been granted bail.

The district judge told the 35-year-old, who had no legal representation: “I would suggest that you get a solicitor as these are serious charges which you are facing.”

Dominic Fearon, of Forestbrook Park in Rostrevor, appeared charged with attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, common assault, possession of a Class B drug, theft and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, at Armagh Magistrates’ Court, on Tuesday.

The defendant, via videolink from police custody, confirmed he understood the charges he faced and a constable said he believed he could connect him to the charges.

Prosecution told court that Fearon had a clear record, however, bail was objected to due to fear of interference with witnesses and the commission of other offences.

Outlining details in court, a constable stated that on June 1 at 6.30pm police attended an address in Rostrevor after receiving a report that the defendant had allegedly assaulted his partner.

Officers arrived to find Fearon’s partner on the floor with a bleeding nose, dropping in and out of consciousness.

The report of the assault had been made by the alleged victim’s friend, who was also at the address in question.

She claimed that the defendant had pulled his partner to the ground by the hair before punching and kicking her, whilst she lay on the floor.

This witness alleged that Fearon then punched her in the face before leaving with his partner’s mobile phone.

Paramedics attended the scene to assist the defendant’s partner, who suffered a fractured nose and concussion.

Fearon was arrested roughly an hour later after he was located at his own property, which is separated from the alleged injured party’s by only a garden gate and a drop.

The constable stated that the defendant was under the influence of alcohol upon his arrest and a small amount of suspected cannabis was allegedly found on his person during a search.

When interviewed, Fearon accepted possession of the cannabis, and denied kicking the victim but accepted that he did strike her.

The defendant denied taking the victim’s phone but this was located in his home, the court was informed, and he claimed to have lifted it by mistake.

The constable confirmed to the court that Fearon also denied assaulting his partner’s friend.

He stated that a statement had not been taken from the defendant’s partner and that they had been unable to contact her friend since the alleged incident.

It was heard that this second alleged victim had made some verbal account on body worn footage, however, the court was told that she had been intoxicated at the time.

Outlined the objections, the constable said: “The address of the suspect and the main victim are in two different estates but they are only separated by a garden fence and a drop.”

He added that if another suitable address were put forward there would be no objection to bail.

Fearon, who represented himself, stated that he had family in Hilltown who could possibly offer him an address.

District Judge Nigel Broderick told the defendant: “I am going to admit you on bail to an address approved by police. You will have to speak to your family and this will have to be checked before your release.

“I would suggest that you get a solicitor as these are serious charges which you are facing.”

Fearon was released on his own bail of £500 to an address approved by police, conditions of this include that he is to have no contact with the alleged injured parties, not to be under the influence of alcohol and not to enter Rostrevor.

The case was adjourned until Newry Magistrates’ Court on June 10.

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