Tucked away in the sleepy village of Killylea are four meticulous and hardworking joiners responsible for creating some of the most beautiful, bespoke garden items for homes island wide.
The aptly named Killylea Woodcraft, owned and managed by Andy Robinson, caters for all your garden needs from basic garden sheds to high-spec garden rooms.
Andy – who is a joiner by trade – said: “We build everything; garden sheds, animal housing, summer houses, high-end garden rooms, playhouses and climbing frames. We try to get everything built to suit everybody’s budget.”
The foundations for the business were first laid down 11 years ago when Andy’s children came along and the ability to work for himself afforded him some work week flexibility. Since then the team has grown by three.
Whilst, the crafty company love seeing their designs installed in homes throughout the county – and they continue to welcome business from the immediate area – their renown brings in business from across the entire Emerald Isle.
Said Andy: “It’s not just the Armagh area that we cover. There’s nowhere we won’t go! We cover all of the North and South of Ireland.
“The thing that really makes us stand out is the quality of workmanship involved in what we do.”
Since the pandemic, Andy has seen a massive increase in demand for garden rooms, which now provide a steady stream of work year long.
Continued Andy: “The garden rooms are something we are kept busy with all year now because people are working from home and need an office space. We notice a demand now with hairdressers and beauticians also needing a space to work from home.
“Aside from that people also like garden rooms for leisure. Some people make them into bars, put TVs in, make a home gym for example.”
Everything the team make is custom built. Whether you have an abundance of space, or are short of it, Andy and the team at Killylea Woodcraft will endeavor to find a suitable solution for all your outdoor needs.
You can find more information about Killylea Woodcraft on their Facebook page and website.