An Armagh alderman has sought assurance from Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s officers that dog fouling in rural areas will be addressed.
Speaking at Council’s monthly meeting on Monday, February 27, Alderman Jim Speers noted a discussion had taken place at a meeting of the local authority’s environmental services committee and sought assurance that it was not just the borough’s bigger towns where individuals were being fined for failing to clean up after their dogs.
“In relation to dog fouling, how many people have been convicted of late in our borough and where are these people being caught,” asked the UUP group leader.
“I get quite a lot of complaints about dog fouling, it is all over the place literally. With children playing it is unimaginable just the disgusting nature of what can happen as a result of someone not doing the proper thing when they are out walking with their dog.
“A complaint was sent to me about the Mowhan Road in Markethill and I forwarded that one on to officers and I would like to think we would begin to see some action in these rural villages it is not just a problem in our towns, it is happening here in a big way.”
Council’s Chair, Councillor Paul Greenfield told the chamber the committee minutes show a request has been made for time to be set aside during March’s environmental services committee meeting and asked all interested councillors to log in to that meeting.
“I do note from the minutes of the meeting there is time to be set aside in March meeting for this issue to be discussed,” said the Lord Mayor.
“So those who are not on this committee could log in, I am sure, if they wanted to do that and that information can be brought back to that committee.”