An Armagh teenager took his mother’s car without permission and whilst over the limit before crashing it into a lamppost.
Details of the incident were recounted at Armagh Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, where Lee Morgan, of Mullacreevie Park, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, driving without insurance, driving without a licence, taking a vehicle without authority and dangerous driving.
The court heard the defendant had been just 18 years of age when the offences where committed on May 27.
It was revealed that, around 1am, police on patrol on Navan Street, saw a Ford Focus pull out of a street without stopping or giving way.
They followed the vehicle and once more saw the car turn onto another street without stopping.
Officers also noted that the vehicle was moving from left to right erratically.
Police watched as the car came at high speed towards them before mounting a footpath, striking a wall and colliding with a lamppost.
The car was left on its side and slid across the street, coming to a stop at the rear of the police vehicle.
Officers spoke to the defendant – who is now aged 19 – and conducted a preliminaryroadside breath test, which he failed.
Morgan told police he had no licence or insurance and had taken the car, which belonged to his mother, without permission.
He was subsequently arrested and taken to Lurgan Custody Suite where a reading showed 58mgs in 100mls of breath.
The court was informed that Morgan was about to enter his third year of further education within the city.
The defendant was automatically disqualified by District Judge Paul Copeland, who believed a pre-sentence report was required.
He said: “I am going to order a report. This is a high-speed driving incident in an urban area whilst drink has been taken. This is aggravated by the lack of insurance and the fact the vehicle was taken without permission.”
The case will be advanced on September 18 when a pre-sentence report will be presented.