An Armagh man who assaulted his wife after an argument over his “drunkenness” has been handed a suspended prison sentence.
Court heard police were called to the scene after a 999 call from the 33-year-old defendant’s child.
Daividas Sutis, of Callan Bank, pleaded guilty to common assault at the city’s Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
The court heard that on August 26 police received a 999 call from the injured party at around 5.20am, shortly after there was another call from an 11-year-old child, who said her father was drunk and shouting at their mother.
Officers arrived at the address to find the injured party upset and crying, with more crying heard from children upstairs.
The defendant stood on the stairs and shouted at police, telling them not to enter his home.
His partner told officers she had been awakened from her sleep at 4.20am by a phone call from Sutis saying he was at the back door and asking to be let in.
She did so, but when inside he began switching lights on and off, along with shouting loudly.
The injured party asked the defendant to stop but he grabbed her by the wrists and took her phone off her saying she was not strong enough to call the police.
It was stated that Sutis continued to curse and swear until the arrival of police.
The defendant was taken to Banbridge Custody Suite where he was interviewed.
Sutis told officers he had been drinking whiskey and vodka since the previous day.
He also said he had no recollection of the offences.
Defence counsel said Sutis had not been in contact with the children since his arrest and accepted that his behaviour was “wholly unacceptable”.
He stated the argument had begun over the defendant’s “drunkenness” with his wife not being a drinker.
It was revealed that Sutis has lived in Northern Ireland for the past five or six years and throughout that time has been employed.
District Judge Paul Copeland said: “This conduct is cruel and bullish at very best, at worst it is unacceptable criminality.
“This court takes a dim view of the abuse of females in the safety of their own home”.
But the district judge concluded: “I am satisfied you had shown a significant degree of remorse and I am willing to stay my hand.”
Sutis was sentenced to five months in prison suspended for two years and ordered to pay £500 in way of compensation to the injured party within 10 weeks.