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Roaming charges gone but there could be hidden costs you may not know about

Beware of some hidden or unknown costs

The border community breathed a huge sigh of relief this week with the abolition of EU roaming charges.

However, as good as that may sound, words of warning on hidden costs have been sounded.

Cathal Boylan MLA branded the removal of roaming as victory for the consumers but warned of the caveat.

“I am pleased that roaming charges have finally been eliminated. It has been a long process and I pay tribute to our MEPs who have been fighting hard to bring about the end of such charges,” said Mr Boylan.

“Sinn Féin through our European and domestic representatives been campaigning for the abolition of roaming charges for over 10 years.

“It is regrettable it has taken this long. Roaming charges have been a continuous problem for the thousands living and travelling along the border.  It is equally regrettable that this legislation may no longer apply to us after 2019 with our subsequent removal from the European Union.”

Warning of unexpected costs, the MLA advised: “Whilst the new legislation effectively bans service providers from adding extra charges to calls, messages and downloads, consumers must be made aware that differences in provider’s tariffs could mean unexpected costs.

Pointing out that these regulations apply to roaming charges and not calling charges, party colleague Mickey Brady MP stressed that border communities will “still suffer” as calls and texting are still classed as international.

“Indeed there are still many issues that need addressed island wide ahead of Brexit, although it is the border areas that have faced unfair charges and penalties for far too long. Once again border communities will still suffer.

“Customers should check with their network provider to ensure they are not caught out and to understand what deal they have with their provider.”

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