The release of A Level results on Thursday brought news of further success for the students of St. Patrick’s Grammar School, Armagh.
Speaking after the publication of A Level results last week, the school Principal, Mr Dominic Clarke, congratulated the boys, their parents and the staff in the role they all played in these outstanding results.
He said: “The results achieved by our year 14 students are fantastic. Against the challenges of two disrupted school years and numerous changes to examinations and assessments the students have excelled. I would like to thank the diligence of the school staff, our supportive home sand the wider school community for all their efforts. These are the factors that build resilience and that have created a positive and successful school community.
“We are so very proud of these young men and look forward to celebrating their successes at Senior Prizegiving next month. So many of these students have given of their best and I have no doubt that the work ethic that the school has fostered in these students will stand them in good stead in their university courses and beyond.”
Vice Principal, Mr Damien McAlary, added: “It was lovely to see so many of our Year 13 and 14 students as they arrived to collect their results; and encouraging to learn that the majority of this year’s A Level cohort are already placed on their chosen courses. We are delighted for them and wish them every success as they move on.
“Our boys appreciate all that our teachers do for them and I firmly believe that the strength and maturity of relationships between teachers and students is the foundation of our success in St. Patrick’s.”
Particular congratulations are due to several outstanding A Level students who achieved top grades in their examinations.
Top student, Cormac Toner achieved three A* grades in Biology, Chemistry and Health and Social Care and heads to Ulster to study Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging.
Maitiu McSorley achieved two A* grades in Mathematics and Physics and an A grade in Software Systems Development, winning a prestigious Price Waterhouse Cooper Higher Level Apprenticeship in Software Engineering.
Charlie Denvir achieved two A* grades in Mathematics and Construction and an A grade in Software Systems Development and will begin the study of Software Engineering at QUB.
Sean Toye is heading to Ulster to study Building Surveying, having achieved an A* in ICT and two A grades in Construction and Travel and Tourism.
Ryan McAlary is beginning a highly sought-after Higher-Level Apprenticeship with Kainos in Computing, Ronan O’Hanlon will study Accounting at QUB, Matthew Morrison heads to University of Ulster to study Pharmacy, and Daire McArdle begins the study of Building Surveying in Ulster, all having achieved an impressive three A grades in their A Level examinations.
The entire St. Patrick’s community shares in the excellent achievements of all Post 16 students and, along with school Principal, Mr Dominic Clarke, wish them every success at university, at work and into their adult life.