Republicans in Armagh turned out on Monday to remember the Easter Rising of 1916.
The attendees in Armagh heard how in “every decade since 1916, Republicans have made the ultimate sacrifice for the independence of our country and for liberty, justice and equality for all our people”.
“The reunification of Ireland is no longer a distant dream. It is a very tangible reality unfolding before our eyes, and this would never have been possible without those brave men and women who paved the way.”
The Israeli-Palestine was also referenced and that of the “plight of the Palestinian people during the ongoing genocide in Gaza”.
“As Irish people we know too well their pain and suffering…and once again we call for a permanent, unconditional ceasefire….the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from both Gaza and the West Bank, and to the end of the slaughter of the Palestinian people”.
Ann Donnelly offered up a prayer of remembrance while Jerome Mannon read the Proclaimation of the Irish Republic.
Councillor John Og O’Kane read the roll of honour as Matt Carthy, Sinn Féin TD for Cavan and Monaghan, spoke to those gathered.
Wreaths were laid in memory of the dead.
Photos by Vincent Loughran.