The lack of numbers on houses in the Armagh area proved to be an area of concern when raised during a recent community policing meeting.
Concerns were raised as to how emergency personnel were supposed to locate an address, with one attendee declaring the Armagh area as “Premier League offenders”.
The issue came to light at at a Community Engagement Meeting for Armagh and Cusher.
Speaking at the meeting, a Rathfriland man, who was completing Census work in the Armagh and Hamiltonsbawn areas, described the situation as “horrendous”.
“I mean, I thought Rathfriland was bad but Armagh must be the best with respect to that, they’re number one Premier League offenders,” he said.
It beggar’s belief, he added, that any ambulance or emergency service personnel were able to locate a given address.
Sinn Féin Councillor Bróna Haughey acknowledged the issue and pointed to the possible use of the ‘what3words’ app which attributes three words to any three-metre square in the world.
Although it must be said many would probably fear what three word phrase their humble abode has been denoted by!
Some examples include ‘bloodshot-navigate-sofa’ – aka the Armagh Courthouse – and ’tissue-limp-gong’ being a three-metre of Hamiltonsbawn’s Main Street.
Meanwhile, Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon PCSP Manager Patricia Gibson, who sits on the Community Lifesavers Group, said the very issue had been raised by the Ambulance Service.
She commented that they were currently discussing a possible competition in order to encourage residents to place numbers on their doors.
To find your home’s three word ‘handle’ visit the what3words website.