A magical presentation for a magical and spell-binding young man!
Little Jack Rolston raised £600 along with his family during this year’s charitable efforts by the West Armagh Festival.
The annual fun run and walk – which concluded the week-long activities programme – amassed a fantastic £4,200.
This year’s beneficiaries were Armagh Breast Cancer Support Group and Lisanally Special School.
Representatives from each were present at a cheque presentation ceremony at the Palace.
It was hosted by Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Councillor Paul Duffy.
Representatives of the West Armagh Consortium – which organised the event – were there to hand over the proceeds.
And Deputy Lord Mayor Duffy had a well-deserved and worthy presentation of his own to make to Jack, a pupil of Lisanally Special School.
The proud young man received a magic wand for all his endeavours!
Well done to all involved in raising such a fantastic amount for two great causes!
Pictures inset, from top: 1) Deputy Lord Mayor Paul Duffy pictured alongside Phil Quinn from the Armagh Cancer Support Group who received £2110 proceeds from the West Armagh Consortium sponsored Run/Walk.
2) Deputy Lord Mayor Paul Duffy pictured alongside Sandra Flynn, Principal, Eileen McCann, Siobhan Scowcroft, Vice Principal, Martina Devlin, and Alisha Devlin from Lisanally Special School who received £2110 proceeds from the West Armagh Consortium sponsored Run/Walk.
3) Deputy Lord Mayor Paul Duffy pictured alongside Phil Quinn, Teresa Kelly and Marie Brannigan from the Armagh Cancer Support Group who received £2110 proceeds from the West Armagh Consortium sponsored Run/Walk.
4) West Armagh Consortium Festival committee member and organiser of the Sponsored walk/run, John Fields makes a speech during the Deputy Lord Mayor’s Reception at The Palace, Armagh. Pictures by Liam McArdle.