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Man who bit female police officer after refusing breath test jailed for three months

His defence said: 'Alcohol has played a huge part in all of these offences. When alcohol is not in play he does not behave like this'

Police prison

A man who bit the finger of a police officer after refusing to engage in a preliminary breath test whilst suspected of drink driving has been sentenced to three months in prison.

The 37-year-old’s barrister commented: “Alcohol has played a huge part in all of these offences. When alcohol is not in play he does not behave like this.”

Danis Bebris, of Ashley Gardens in Armagh, appeared for sentencing at the city’s Magistrates’ Court, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday.

He had indicated guilty pleas to two counts of attempted criminal damage, two counts of criminal damage, three counts of assault on police, driving whilst unfit, failing to provide a preliminary breath sample, failing to provide an evidential breath sample and common assault.

Prosecution outlined that on October 26, 2019, police received a report of a van reversing into a parked car on Boyds Row in Armagh.

The driver, who was subsequently identified as this defendant, was described as being drunk and aggressive towards witnesses.

Bebris, who smelled of intoxicating liquor and was unsteady on his feet, refused to engage in a preliminary breath test at the roadside.

Upon being arrested, the defendant bit the finger of a female constable.

Then in the afternoon of  November 31, 2020, police were tasked to a report of an assault at Boyds Row in Armagh.

Officers spoke to the injured party, who stated that Bebris had approached her in an aggressive manner with clenched fists before shouting and swearing in her face.

Court hear that the defendant had urinated in the custody office of Dungannon Police Station and kicked the door of a cell van during his arrest.

Bebris was later interviewed and made full admissions to all offences.

Finally at 2pm on February 13, of this year, police attended a property in Armagh following reports of shouting.

Upon arrival, officers observed an intoxicated male, who was subsequently identified as the defendant.

Bebris lunged at officers and damaged handcuffs as they were being applied.

The defendant was taken to the ground but continued to kick out at police as limb and hand restraints were deployed.

Defence barrister John McCann stated: “Alcohol has played a huge part in all of these offences. When alcohol is not in play he does not behave like this.”

District Judge Bernie Kelly said: “This is a spate of appalling behaviour Mr Bebris. The majority of your victims are female, which is not nice, as you believe you can bully them.

“You bite a female police officer who was only doing her job and preventing a drink driver from being on the road.”

Bebris was sentenced to three months in prison. In addition he was ordered to pay a fine of £150 and was disqualified from driving for 15 months.

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