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Man who squirted sanitiser in pregnant woman’s face bound over to keep peace

Court heard he had gone to 'sort matters out' after his partner and the injured party had a quarrel but accepted he did this in 'completely the wrong way'

Armagh Courthouse

A Co. Armagh man who squirted hand sanitiser in a pregnant woman’s face has been bound over to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for two years.

The 40-year-old’s legal representative explained the defendant had gone to “sort matters out” after his partner and the injured party had a quarrel, but it was accepted he did this in “completely the wrong way”.

Connor Anthony Hughes, of Donnellys Hill Road, had a plea of guilty entered on his behalf to common assault at Armagh Magistrates’, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday.

Prosecution outlined that on November 22, at 11pm, police received a report from the injured party that she had been assaulted by her neighbour, the defendant.

She stated that Hughes had arrived at her home and had acted aggressively towards her, with him asking her to come to his home as his partner wanted to kick her.

The defendant then squirted the injured party in the face with hand sanitiser, before grabbing her by the arm in an attempt to get her out of the property.

Hughes was subsequently arrested and during interview admitted to squirting the sanitiser but denied grabbing the injured party’s arm.

It was noted by Deputy District Judge Philip Mateer that the victim was five months pregnant at the time of the incident.

Defence counsel explained: “The defendant’s wife and the injured party had a quarrel a couple of months before….the defendant was drinking with the injured party’s partner in his home and decided to sort matters out.

“He did it in completely the wrong way. A lot of drink was taken and when the injured party did not want to go with him he became aggressive.”

He added: “The parties are now living together amicably….. his last offence of violence was in 2012 and there has been nothing of a similar nature since.”

Deputy District Judge Mateer commented: “If circumstances are what you say they are, then there should be no further issues.”

Hughes was bound over, on his own recognizance of £800, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for two years.

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