A new controlled Toucan crossing on the Monaghan Road in Armagh is now complete.
The new facility, close to near Cregagh Gardens, will help improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists and will help encourage more walking and cycling in the area.
The Toucan allows for both pedestrians and cyclists to cross at the same time.
The works took a number of months to complete as part of the Armagh to Milford cycle path scheme.
The Toucan was installed at a cost of £55,000.
Following the commencement of the work back in October, Sinn Fein MLA, Cathal Boylan, said: “The crossing will greatly improve safety in the area and is a very welcome development indeed.
“This is an extremely busy junction and residents have encountered difficulties crossing here for quite some time.
“The fact that there are a number of housing estates in the area not only adds to the volume of traffic but also means that road users have been at risk of getting knocked down,” he said.
“This is one of the busiest road junctions on the outskirts of the city particularly at peak times of the day and it was clear something needed to done there so that residents could cross the road in safety.”
Puffin crossings have the red/green man on the push button unit beside the pedestrian; there is no flashing amber signal to drivers; they are held on a red signal until pedestrians have completed their crossing; the time for pedestrians to cross the road can be extended by sensors which detect people still on the crossing.
Toucan crossings are similar to the Puffin with the inclusion of a green ‘bicycle’ displayed next to the ‘green man’ to advise when cyclists and pedestrians are permitted to cross.