Pre-sentence reports are to be prepared after a serving police officer admitted unlawfully accessing computer systems to obtain information on a number of individuals, with some dating back many years.
Christopher Robert Michael Brett (50) whose address was given as PSNI Headquarters in Belfast and has been “repositioned” while the case moves through the court process, 12 charges comprising six counts each of unlawfully obtaining personal information and doing so without the consent of the data controller.
This relates to six individuals, three men and three women.
The majority of offending occurred on various dates between 2015 and 2022, however one count stretches back to 2011.
Some offending is understood to have occurred while Brett was stationed in Armagh.
No details surrounding the charges or how they came about were disclosed during the short hearing before Craigavon Magistrates Court, where a defence barrister entered guilty pleas to all charges on Brett’s behalf.
District Judge Michael Ranaghan ruled reports were essential given the nature of the charges and ordered Brett to attend for sentencing on October 30.
When contacted as to Brett’s current employment status a PSNI spokesperson said: “This officer has been repositioned pending the outcome of criminal and misconduct proceedings.”