Ratepayers will receive their new bills for the year ahead from Friday.
And as previously reported in February, householders will pay an average of 57p a week – or £2.28 a month – as a result of the ABC Council hike, which saw a 5.17% increase.
The new bills will set out the amount due for 2024/25, details of any rate relief which has been applied to your account and also any arrears from previous years that have not been paid.
A wide range of rate reliefs and entitlements are available, including support for those in receipt of Universal Credit through the Rate Rebate Scheme and a discount for pensioners who live on their own.
Land & Property Services (LPS) encourages anyone having difficulty paying rates to contact them for advice on the range of support available. Full details can be found at www.nidirect.gov.uk/
There are a number of ways to pay your rate bill.
The most convenient are:
Direct Debit – this is the easiest and most convenient way to pay and it allows you to spread the cost over 10 monthly instalments. You can set up a Direct Debit online by visiting www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/
To pay your bill online visit www.nidirect.gov.uk/
or pay at any Post Office or PayPoint.
Domestic ratepayers can receive 4% discount if they pay their 2024/25 rates in full on or before 10 May 2024.
Businesses may also be able to access a range of rate support schemes. More details can be found at www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/
If you think the information on your bill is not correct, or if you have not received a bill, please contact LPS.