Residents of an Armagh housing estate say they are at their wits-end with taxis beeping their horns at all times of the night.
One fed-up local contacted Armagh I in a bid to highlight an issue he says rears its head every weekend in the Culdee area of the city.
“This is an issue that needs addressing and the sooner the better really,” said one disgruntled resident.
He says taxis coming and going at all hours are disturbing sleeping families with young children and several elderly residents.
“I don’t want to point fingers but you don’t have to look too far to where the issue stems from,” he said.
“Taxis are arriving and leaving constantly over the weekend, beeping their horns and causing all kinds of a racket.”
He added: “Some of these flats are being rented out to young people who are using them to have parties every weekend.
“There’s a lady in her 70s living close by and the fear she has to deal with is not on. Of course, this is a separate issue altogether but it’s the reason the taxis are here.
“This issue has been raised with the appropriate authorities but little has been done to fix it; there are children living in this area.
“And surely there’s a law against these taxis coming in and beeping their horns in the early hours of the morning.”
Well, according to the law no person shall sound, or cause or permit to be sounded, any horn, gong, bell or siren fitted to or carried on a vehicle which is: (a) stationary on a road, at any time, other than at times of danger due to another moving vehicle on or near the road; or (b) in motion on a restricted road, between 11.30pm and 7am the following morning.
Here’s a list of the 40 ‘small’ laws you may have broken without realising.