St Mark’s Armagh are set to host the performance of ‘Where there’s a Will’ in aid of a parishioner’s upcoming mission trip to Africa.
Katie Hassard will be travelling to Kenya this summer to serve with the Christian charity Jengana, and will be engaging in a wide range of missionary and charitable work.
Her goal is to raise as much money as she can over the coming months, with the cash raised in the show to go directly to the charity.
The show – which will be performed by the Killylea Players on Friday, March 24 at 7:30pm in the Crozier Hall at St Mark’s Church – is an hilarious comedy. It features unforeseen circumstances for a bachelor who receives word that he has been left money by an old school friend, but is persuaded to claim for a wife and child also!
The money raised will go directly to Jengana, helping to develop their Kipepeo Home for vulnerable children as well as providing education support and feeding programmes within the slum areas.
Jengana are a Christian organisation seeking to support people living in extreme poverty, mostly in urban areas of Kenya.
Katie will be going out as a leader, assisted by young people, to engage in the charity work. She will be working close to Nairobi and will be involved in kids’ clubs and programmes in the area.
Katie, who was involved in a mission trip to Kenya in July 2018, says that it is a “really special” experience.
“I’m really looking forward to it. It’s something that means a lot to me,” she said.
“When I went out before it was life changing. Seeing a small part of where the money that we raise goes to is really special and just being able to see that in action is something that I really look forward to.”
She added: “We bring out clothes and things as well for the kids and seeing that materialise and how everything goes directly to provide for these kids and trying to make a good situation out of the poverty is just really special to see first hand.”
Commenting on the upcoming fundraising event, Katie said: “I’ve seen the play myself so I know it is very funny. It’s really good of the Killylea Players and St Mark’s to help me out to make a bit of difference out there.”
Tickets for the play are available online via eventbrite, or from the Parish office, which can be contacted at 028 3752 3197.