It’s time to get into gear for two events taking part this week as part of Markethill Community Festival.
Tomorrow (Wednesday), it’s the car treasure hunt, with the aim being to find and solve the clues hidden around the local area and win one of the many prizes up for grabs.
There is also an ‘I Spy’ clue hunt for children of primary school age and below, which is free with every paying adult.
Cars should meet at the Masonic Hall in Markethill (next door to the Courthouse) at 7pm.
The cost is £5 per person, including refreshments.
Proceeds will go to charity, Versus Arthritis NI.
Meanwhile, this Friday, would-be racing drivers can pit their skills against each other in the Senior Go-Karting Grand Prix, which will be held at Gosford Karting on the Newry Road.
It is open to adults aged 17 and over, with cash prizes of £50, £25 and £10 for the top three fastest drivers, plus trophies.
Hot food, snacks and drinks will be available.
To register, call into Gosford Karting or phone them on 028 3755 1248.
Check-in for the event is at 6.30pm. The cost is £25 – a £10 deposit secures your place and the £15 balance is payable on the evening of the races.
A Junior Go-Karting event, held last week, was a great success with winners in both junior and senior legs.
Proceeds from both events will go to the Stroke Association NI.
Although the number and range of events has been curtailed this year due to Covid, other events have included a country and western event in Gosford and an Open Garden, kindly granted by Maurice Gass of Killycarne Road, Loughgilly.
There are also plans for an outdoor country gospel concert on Sunday, September 19 from 4-7pm at the Mart in Markethill.
The festival has been held annually since 1977, with the exception of last year due to Covid restrictions, and raises funds for a number of chosen charities.
The hard-working festival committee hopes to run a full schedule of events in 2022.