It’s been an interesting week at the Armagh I office. We have had quite a number of disgruntled Shambles Yard patrons (and past patrons) through the doors keen to provide some insight into the yard’s apparent decline – more to follow on this!
But we have also had others come in or reach out to us in relation to all manner of issues in and around the city centre. So buckle up, because here’s the run down:
1) The streets are alive with the sound of music – much to one reader’s dismay. Described as ‘loud pop music’ the resident stated that the music is left playing until quite late at night – another person has since confirmed that on occasion the music would play through the entire night and into the morning. Not ideal when you have a window next to a speaker!
2) “Who owns my rubbish?” – This was the question put to us after one lady alleged that she had been called a “scavenger” by staff at the Armagh Recycling Centre. The disagreement apparently broke out after the lady asked a fellow centre user if she might have some wooden boards from his boot before they found their way into a skip. She informed us that the staff member advised her that “once you drive through the barrier, all waste becomes the property of the council”. At what point do we lose ownership of our waste?
3) Advocacy or adversary? One reader contacted us in relation to pro-Palestinian graffiti across the city, which he has described as “offensive and intimidatory”. The graffiti which depicts Palestinian flags and has appeared on a contractor’s tent near the Callan River on the Monaghan Road and on concrete supports to the ring road flyover on Irish Street. The reader said: “It is so sad that I and other road users alike have to be offended and intimidated on the way to and from work each day.”
We have reached out to council for comment on each of the issues outlined above, but at the time of writing have not received response on any.
Tell us – are these three people alone in their experiences or do you have similar thoughts to share?