Two men will appear before Armagh Magistrates’ Court charged with burglary-related offences this morning (Friday).
Detectives investigating an aggravated burglary in Hilltown on Wednesday have charged a 44-year-old man with aggravated burglary and a 26-year-old man with burglary.
Shortly before 7pm, police received a report that three males had been disturbed at a house in the St Patrick’s Park area before making off in a black Audi TT car.
A short time later, a black Audi TT car made off from police in the Forkhill area.
It was stopped using a stinging device and the 44-year-old driver was arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary and a number of motoring offences.
Later, a 26-year-old man was arrested in the Newry area on suspicion of aggravated burglary, possession of an offensive weapon and threats to kill.
As is normal procedure all charges are reviewed by the Public Prosecution Service.