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Armagh pharmacist pleads guilty to illegal medicines supply

A pharmacist pleaded guilty at Newry Crown Court to the illegal supply of prescription medicines, including a range of controlled drugs, from his Armagh pharmacy.

Maurice Currie, 45, of Portmore Road, Lisburn, appeared at Newry Crown Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to a total of 12 charges of illegal supply involving large quantities of medicines over a five year period between January 2009 and September 2013.

The drugs illegally supplied included diazepam, tramadol, dihydrocodeine and Oxynorm.

Currie was remanded on continuing bail to be sentenced at Newry Crown Court on Friday, April 17.

The charges were brought following a protracted investigation by the Department of Health’s Medicines Regulatory Group.

The list of drugs included:

59,477 Tramadol 50mg tablets (Strong narcotic-like painkiller).

152,640 Diazepam 5 mg tablets and 14,364 and Diazepam 2mg tablets (Class C controlled drug – anxiety suppressant).

24,622 Zoplicone 7.5mg tablets (sleeping tablet).

100,650 Zoplidem 10mg tablets (Class C controlled drug – sedative-hypnotic sleeping tablet).

234,600 Co-Codamol 30/500mg (Class B controlled drug – strong painkiller).

137,064 Dihydrocodine 30mg (Class B controlled drug – strong opioid-type painkiller).

29,197 Temazepam 10mg (Class C controlled drug – sleeping tablet).

Unknown quantity of Sevredol (Class A controlled drug – Morphine pain reliever).

Unknown quantity of Oxynorm (Class A controlled drug – Opioid pain reliever related to Morphine).

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