A Banbridge councillor has called for Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council to consider installing CCTV in the borough’s play parks, in the hope it could be a cost-effective way to deter vandals.
The play park at Solitude Park in the town is currently closed as a result of vandalism and council has said it will not reopen for another few weeks.
During council’s monthly meeting on Monday, June 26, Lord Mayor Alderman Margaret Tinsley told Councillor Joy Ferguson officers were putting together a report on measures to prevent antisocial behaviour.
She asked if Councillor Ferguson was content to wait until the relevant committee meeting for the report itself and further discussion on the issue.
The Alliance Party councillor confirmed she was and, speaking after the meeting, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service she wanted to know if installing and running CCTV would prove cost-effective in comparison to paying the maintenance and repair bills council is paying at present.
“The play park at Solitude Park is currently closed as a result of vandalism and I have asked officers for a report comparing the cost of vandalism and the associated maintenance against the cost of installing and running CCTV at the park,” she said.
“Large patches of the impact surface were ripped up under the senior play unit. This left an uneven surface leading to trip hazards and a breach of fall height standards. With the summer holidays fast approaching this is not ideal.
“This park is a vital service for our children and parents and I will be pressing council to get the park open as soon as it is safe to do so.”
A spokesperson for Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council said while a contractor has been appointed to repair the damage caused, the park will remain closed for the next few weeks.
“Whilst every effort is being made to carry out the necessary repair work as a matter of urgency, the play park in Solitude Park is expected to remain closed for the next few weeks,” said the spokesperson.
“A contractor has already been appointed to replace the safety surface in the senior play equipment area. However, this work needs to be scheduled and managed in line with other commitments.”