Drainage and sewer issues are causing delays in the procurement of a new Banbridge library site, it has been revealed.
Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart said she received an update from the Department for Communities on the planned relocation of Banbridge Library.
The DUP representative has been lobbying the Department to secure a new library for Banbridge and having received that commitment is now pressing for a timetable for the project to be delivered.
“In my engagement with the Department for Communities to press for a timetable for the new library to be completed, it has emerged that an issue with local drainage and sewer infrastructure is causing a delay in the procurement of the preferred site,” explained Ms Lockhart.
“This is unavoidable and must be addressed before further work can progress on the Library.
“The Department for Infrastructure is committed to addressing this issue, and I am pressing them for the works to be accelerated so no further delay occurs.
“This will then allow the procurement of the site to go ahead, and the project move to the next stage.
“The new library is an exciting project, and I am keen to see it progressed with a sense of urgency. I will keep engaging with the Department to ensure pressure is maintained to bring this much needed facility to Banbridge.”