Planning permission has been granted for the construction of 32 new dwellings at the former Brookfield Factory site at Peggy’s Loaning, Banbridge.
The units, to be built on the very steep site, will include six apartments for older people; six apartments for general needs; 18 houses for general needs; and two houses designed to accommodate complex needs.
The application was lodged on behalf of Corove Ltd, Coagh, Cookstown.
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council’s Planning department wrote in their report: “The site is located within the settlement of Banbridge. The first phase of the larger housing development, Brookfield Mill, was under construction at time of site inspection.
“The site slopes steeply in an easterly direction with a level difference of approximately 17 metres from its western extreme to its eastern extreme.
“A 2.5m-high retaining wall will be erected to the rear of units 7-14 to support the western new roadway, with a further 2.5m-high retaining wall constructed to the rear of units 27-30 to support land to the west, due to the degree of cutting required to provide for levels.
“A new area of open space is to be provided to the west of the apartment block, with a path proposed to link into the open space area.
“The proposal to develop the site for residential purposes complies with the land use zoning of the Development Plan, and therefore is acceptable in principle.

The new housing development at the Brookfield Factory site (in colour) will be adjacent to Brookfield Mill (in black and white).
“The development respects the surrounding context and is appropriate to the character and topography of the site in terms of layout, scale, proportions, massing and appearance of buildings, structures and landscaped and hard-surfaced areas.
“Officers are of the opinion that the proposed development will not be out of character when set against the general pattern of existing development.
“The three-storey apartment block is sited at the lower part of the site, and officers are content that this element is appropriate due to the topography of the site.
“The existing trees along the northern site boundary shall be retained. No retained tree shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, or have its roots damaged.
“The hedgerow along the northern site boundary shall [also] be retained.”