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Lodge raises over £21,000 for charities with ‘Remembering the War’ exhibit and events

MLA Carla Lockhart hails 'fantastic achievement' by Banbridge lodge

A Banbridge Orange lodge has raised over £21,000 for various charities through a busy year of activities.

And DUP MLA Carla Lockhart has commended the officers and members of LOL 20, who set up the exhibition and series of events entitled ‘Walk of Remembrance’.

Over the past year LOL 20 have produced a book, a DVD and the current exhibition, raising over £21,000 for different charities.

With the help of around £10,000 from Heritage Lottery funding, it culminated with the Remembering the War exhibition in the hall.

Speaking after attending the event the Upper Bann MLA said: “This has been a fantastic achievement by all associated with LOL 20 and in particular Stuart Magill who has led on this project.

“I initially had a conversation with Stuart about this well over a year ago and completed a funding application on behalf of the lodge. To our surprise we were successful and this aided the ability to host these events.

“This exhibition is excellently laid out and is a great educational visit for people of all ages. It has been a great success and I congratulate the lodge on this last year with so much raised for good causes.

“It highlights the great sacrifice of the Banbridge Orangemen who went to war and did not return.

“A group of 20 walked the battlefields earlier in the year and collated the information in a DVD, book and in this exhibition.

“Their efforts have ensured the memory of these men live on.”

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