The PSNI and several road safety partners are holding a “pit stop” motorcycle road safety event in Banbridge in the coming weeks.
The event will take place at the Texaco Garage on the Castlewellan Road on Sunday, June 25 from 10am to 1pm.
The garage was chosen as the venue as it is on a favourite route for weekend pleasure riders.
Motorcyclists are estimated to make up around 1-2% of road traffic depending on the weather and time of year, but represent around 21-23% of road casualties.
The aim of the motorbike road safety event, which is supported by the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Road Safety Committee, is to raise awareness of what motorcyclists themselves can do to reduce their risk of being involved in a collision.
The last event held at the same location a number of years ago was a great success, with many bikers who stopped by inspired to complete further rider training. Police say that the majority of motorists, once they pass their test, never undertake any further training. They then go on to develop bad habits and their skills fade which certainly contributes to the majority of those killed or seriously injured in collisions on our roads.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “We would like riders of all skill levels from to ‘pit stop’ with us, fill up their tank, and, over a free cup of tea or coffee, chat with us and our road safety partners about what they can do to help ensure they have a safer ride.
“Officers from our BikeSafe Scheme can discuss the one day workshops available and members of Southern & Mid Ulster Advanced Drivers and Riders, a group affiliated to IAM RoadSmart, will be there to provide information on the advanced riding and driving courses they offer.”
There will also be a representative from Rider Airbags Ltd, who will be only too willing to demonstrate their full range of ingenious jackets and vests designed to protect the spine and ribcage of a rider in the event of a collision.
“We also will have guys there from the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) and Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) who promote motorcyclists rights in the UK. So I encourage riders to drop in between 10am and 2pm if they can. It may just save their life.”