An assault on a member of staff at a Banbridge hotel followed by the theft of a safe containing Vengaboys tickets were just a number of incidents police believe were linked on Sunday night.
Later in the evening a mother was attacked in as she slept in her own home.
Detectives are investigating the series of serious incidents during the evening of Sunday, October 14 into the early hours of Monday, 15.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “At this stage we are exploring any possible links between the incidents, however they all happened between The Banville Hotel and Banbridge town centre.
“The first incident involved a staff member being assaulted, followed by a burglary at The Banville, where a safe was stolen from behind the reception area along with a staff members jacket. This occurred somewhere between 4pm and 630pm. The safe contained cash and…Vengaboys tickets. Lots of them.
“This was followed by a male causing damage to the doors of the hotel before driving off in a Honda.
“Shortly after midnight, a window was smashed at an accountants office in Church Square, during an attempted break in. A male and female were seen running across the street and into the grounds of the Church. A silver Honda Civic, registration 01-D-37970 was found nearby, smelling like it had serious issues with the clutch.
“At around 2:50am, it took a far more sinister turn, as a house holder in Bannview Heights was woken to find a male coming up the stairs towards her.
“She was shoved into a wall, causing her injuries. Her son then bravely defended his mother, managing to fight the man off, who made his escape through a down stairs window. During the struggle, the male suspect may have fallen and sustained some injuries. He is described as being around 6”2 tall, of large build.
“If you live in the area, or were travelling through, and saw anything that sounds like it may be connected to any of the above, please call our detectives immediately on 101. The incident number is 112 of 15/10/18.”
Of particular interest is:
-Any Honda vehicles seen acting suspiciously around homes or premises in the Banbridge or surrounding areas over the course of the evening.
-A male and female seen running or acting suspiciously out the Lurgan Road.
-Anyone with dash cam footage of anywhere between The Banville and Banbridge town during that time.
-Anyone who saw a male with facial injuries anywhere near the Lurgan Road, Banbridge, around 3am.
-Anyone who sees or is offered Vengaboys tickets advertised for sale not on official sites.