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Stone thrown through house injures mum with three-month old baby

Incident happened on Thursday night around 10pm

A young month was injured after a stone was thrown through her home she shares with her three-month-old child.

PSNI in Craigavon are appealing for information following the incident which happenedĀ in the Thornhill Drive area of Dromore on Thursday night.

A PSNI spokesperson said: “Last night around 10pm a large stone was thrown through the window of a house. Inside was a young mum and her three-month-old baby.

“If you saw anyone in the area of know who was involved, please come forward and speak to us.

“Thankfully there were no injuries worse than cut hands, but with a wee one there this could have been so much worse.

“Had the stone hit the baby, or the glass smashed over its face…it doesn’t bare thinking about.”

If you have any information, call 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. The reference number is 1463 of 26/10/17.


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