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Suspended jail term for Eurospar thief caught on CCTV putting goods in her handbag

Court heard she had a relevant record

A Banbridge woman who stole from a supermarket has been handed a suspended sentence after a similar punishment for the same offence in Belfast recently.

The district judge commented: “In this case, whilst this offence occurred after other entries in her record, the court in Belfast gave her a suspended sentence and I see no merit in ordering a pre-sentence report.”

Sharleen Reilly, 25, of Limewood, pleaded guilty to theft at Newry Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

Prosecution outlined that on October 30, police received a report of a theft the day prior from Eurospar, Scarva Street, Banbridge, in which a male and female made off with £21.59 worth of goods.

Officers viewed CCTV, which showed the female place items into her handbag, with the male adding more into this bag.

They both proceeded to the till, where the male paid for four items without purchasing the items in the female’s bag.

Police were later able to identify the female involved in this theft as the defendant.

District Judge Steven Keown stated: “She has a relevant record. She was dealt with in November last year which post-dates this offence.

“In this case, whilst this offence occurred after other entries in her record, the court in Belfast gave her a suspended sentence and I see no merit in ordering a pre-sentence report.”

Reilly was sentenced to three months in prison suspended for 12 months and was ordered to compensation of £22.59.

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