Work is due to start on a £1.4 million public realm scheme at Dromore at the end of March.
It comes after confirmation that a contractor has now appointed.
FP McCann will deliver what ABC Council describes as a “dynamic” town centre public realm scheme.
As well as council cash, £900,ooo was received from Department for Communities with additional financial backing by the Department for Infrastructure.
Works cover the Market Square, Church Street and Bridge Street areas of the town with the scope including resurfacing of footways in natural stone, installation of street furniture, upgraded street lighting, tree planting, wayfinding and bespoke features reflecting the historic fabric of the town.
Speaking of the exciting development, Lord Mayor Mealla Campbell said: “This scheme will undoubtedly improve the quality and physical appearance of the urban centre plus enhance connectivity, accessibility and movement for all users contributing to the progression of the town.
“Importantly this regeneration of the town centre achieves the Dromore Masterplan themes of ‘creating active streets’ and ‘reconnecting local communities’, whilst building on the rich heritage base and assets of the town paying careful attention to its Conservation Area status.”
Works will start at the end of March 2020 on a phased construction approach.
During the construction period a site office will be located in the town centre with a dedicated public liaison officer to assist with queries from local businesses and residents.
Pedestrian access will be maintained, as will access to the premises on the affected streets throughout the works, and a traffic management plan will be in place.