A young mum and her 10-month old baby had a miraculous escape after her car crashed and overturned near Banbridge on Tuesday.
Holly Clements took to social media to thank the “saints” who came to her aid after the single-vehicle collision between Castlewellan and Banbridge.
She also issued a warning to other parents to make sure children are well strapped in – just like her own – as it does saves lives.
“There were us two adults and my 10-month-old in the back,” she said following the horror crash.
“We were all fine! But it also goes to show how important it is to make sure your child is strapped in right. He won’t remember it but I won’t forget it.”
“A huge, huge thank you,” she posted. “In that moment I didn’t get all the names but hopefully you will read this and know who you are.”
Ms Clements also issued a warning for drivers to be vigilant on the roads.
She added: “To all other drivers, please be careful on this road. I wasn’t speeding but wet roads and diesel are dangerous! This could have been so much worse.”
One woman, who arrived on the scene to help, said: “How she got out of that unhurt is a miracle.”
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