We are all going through a tough time so this our way of trying to help the local fishing community with the school closures.
So from today both Procastangling Armagh & Newry angling centre we will be paying for all Junior rod licenses bought with any Adult License.
We will offer as many as we can to those who will use it hence why purchased with an adult as we want the kids who will use it to benefit.
Procastangling offers over’s 50 years experience and is being run by a family of anglers going back generations.
“We can’t wait to open and get involved in a field we love and get talking to our customers about their experiences and their success stories.”
Procastangling: 1D Dobbin Street, Armagh, BT61 7QQ, Tel : (028) 37 524455
Newry angling centre, 1D Francis street, Newry, Co Armagh, BT35 8BQ. Mob: 07727637530