An Armagh man is using his love of angling to net vital funds for the children’s ward at Craigavon Area Hospital where he says the staff have become like ‘family’.
After angling enthusiast, John Lucas’ granddaughter was born with a rare, life-limiting metabolic condition he came to know first-hand the incredible level of support and care at the Blossom Children and Young People’s Centre.
His beloved granddaughter, Scarlett Rose – who is non-verbal and suffers with limited mobility – spent the entire first year of her young life in hospital. Even now, at just 28 months old she continues to be a regular visitor at the ward and whilst she might not like going, the Blossom staff love to see her coming.
Speaking to Armagh I of the care Scarlett Rose receives John said: “They are like extended family. Scarlett Rose is constantly in and out and you get to know the doctors and nurses so well. It’s just like having another family.”
Adding to John’s sentiments, Scarlett Rose’s grandmother Aishling continued: “We know she isn’t going to be here forever. We know her day will come. But it’s having those people around you. If others are having a low day or like some days when I’m at the hospital balling my eyes out, it’s having those people around that know what you’re going through and that can help.”
And the pair want nothing more than to say thank you to this “extended family” at Blossom ward.
John has been a keen fisherman for around 45 years and so, with the help of a few good sports, he has hooked a special ‘fly fishing fundraising day’ on the banks of Shaws Trout Fishery & Angling Hub, Glenanne.
The event will take place on Sunday August 25, with fishing to commence at 10am lasting until 5.30pm.
The fee for participation is set at £25 and hot food will be provided on the day.
Whether you’re casting a line or not, there will also be an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets at £2 a strip, providing ticket holders the chance of winning a one night stay at The Westhenra Hotel, Monaghan; an overnight stay at Gorestwon Glamping pods, Moy; a £50 voucher for G&G Chinese Takeaway, Armagh; £30 food hampers and much, much more.
Those wishing to attend should contact John directly on 07394564886 and raffle tickets are available for purchase on the day, at Orangefield shop or directly from John.
All monies received will go towards the purchase of much needed supplies for families and children who find themselves in the care of the Blossom Children and Young People’s Centre including fresh pyjamas, vests, hygiene products, nappies, socks and other essentials.