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Calls for traffic calming measures on ‘lethal’ road after second crash in a week

There have been calls for traffic calming measures on a “lethal stretch” of Co Armagh road following the second crash in a week.

Tonight (Saturday) police were forced to deal with another incident at the junction of Monbrief East Road and Sugar Island Road in Craigavon.

Fortunately those involved were able to walk away relatively uninjured despite significant damage done to the vehicles involved.

The road was partially blocked for a period around 7pm as the clean-up operation got underway, however, the scene has now been cleared.

Police, however, are warning motorists to drive with caution on the dangerous stretch of road, with some debris still remaining.

Tonight’s crash has prompted calls for traffic calming measures from local SDLP representative Thomas Larkham, who says they are “badly needed”.

“I believe that this is the second accident in this area within a week,” he claimed.

“I called at the scene and the recovery team have removed vehicles involved and the road has now been cleared.”

He added: “This is a lethal stretch of road. I have personally witnessed cars flying at speeds of 60mph-plus with no regard for the speed limit or the fact this is a built up residential area.

“Traffic calming is badly needed in this area and I will continue to put pressure on the department for action to be taken before someone is killed.”

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