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Cancellation of day care services ‘simply won’t suffice’ says former Occupational Therapist

A former Occupational Therapist – turned MLA – says the cancellation of day-care services “simply won’t suffice”.

SDLP assembly member Dolores Kelly says she raised her – and many constituents’ – concerns with the Southern Health Trust’s Chief Executive, Shane Devlin.

“I’m being contacted on a regular basis by individuals and families who are finding it very difficult to cope with the lack of support in caring for loved ones,” said Mrs Kelly.

“Day-care services not only provide respite for carers but also play a key role in enabling a person’s recovery following illness or injury and enabling a better quality of life.

“It was therefore, very upsetting to learn that currently the Trust may only be able to provide a maximum of 10% of pre-COVID service provision.”

The Upper Bann MLA added: “As a former Occupational Therapist and Day-care Manager I know the critical role
this service provides to clients and their families.

“This simply won’t suffice, creative thinking is needed and the Trust also needs to work in close partnership with service users and the voluntary and community sector.

“I will be meeting with Mr John McEntee, Assistant Director of Disability Services, to discuss and seek greater daycare provision in these very difficult and challenging times for us all.”

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