Today (Thursday) marks World Down Syndrome Day – an awareness event right across the globe.
And to mark it in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Lord Mayor Julie Flaherty – who holds the day very close to her heart – has asked that all civic buildings are lit up in blue and yellow.
The Palace Demesne, Craigavon Civic Centre, Banbridge Town Hall and several others will all don the colours to help raise awareness this evening.
The Lord Mayor will also be hosting the Portadown Panthers at the Palace Demesne this evening.
Every year World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21. This year, the global theme is ‘Leave No-one Behind’.
Every single person with Down’s syndrome should have the same opportunities as everyone else, in EVERY area of life.
All over the world people will be wearing #LotsOfSocks socks to raise awareness of World Down Syndrome Day.