A Co. Armagh angler was today convicted at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court for a number of fishing offences.
The offences included fishing without a licence and permit, use of an unpermitted method of angling on a DAERA Public Angling Estate (PAE) Water, unlawful use or possession of ground bait and maggots, use of LIVE bait and retaining over the bag limit of four fish per day.
David Ganley, 34 of Church Brae, Derryadd, Craigavon, was found guilty at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court of six breaches of legislation and fisheries regulations prescribed under the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 and was fined a total of £300 which included an offender levy of £15.
On December 6, 2020, DAERA Fisheries Protection Officers were on routine patrol of PAE waters at Craigavon Lakes when they observed Ganley angling with three rods at the north lake, along with an open tub of maggots, ground bait and a bag and keep net containing a large number of coarse fish which were being used as LIVE and dead bait.
Ganley was then asked to produce his fishing licence and permit and then produced two coarse licences and permits which were not valid on Craigavon North Lake as it is a game fishery.
Ganley was then instructed to reel in his rods and on further inspection it was confirmed he was using LIVE roach as bait and a treble barbed hook which is also illegal to use on a game fishery.
The total fine of £300 consisted of fines ranging from £25, £40 and £100 for each offence along with an offender levy of £15.
DAERA Inland Fisheries enforcement is committed to pursue those who fish illegally without obtaining the correct license and permits and correct methods.
If you are aware of or suspect illegal fishing, you should contact DAERA Inland Fisheries on 0300 200 7860 or outside office hours contact 0800 807 060.