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Court told police called as 149 diazepam tablets and cannabis seized from hospital patient

Defendant was warned he may face prison for the offences which came to light after he attended hospital with a broken ankle

Craigavon Area Hospital

An Armagh man who was caught with Class A and B drugs must wait until next month to learn if he will escape custody.

The district udge said that given the “nature” of the 49-year-old’s record and the facts of the case he was in danger of going to prison.

Nicholas Owen Mulholland, of Linenhall Street, pleaded guilty to possession of Class B and possession of Class C drugs at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

Prosecution outlined that on July 14, 2018, at around 10.20am, police received a report from Craigavon Area Hospital that suspected controlled drugs had been seized from a patient.

The two packages which had been found on the defendant contained a block of cannabis resin and 149 diazepam tablets.

District Judge Paul Copeland stated: “I am going to pause there and indicate that this man, given the nature of his record and what I am hearing here, is in danger of going to prison.

“How did he come to be in the hospital?”

It was confirmed by defence solicitor Peter Murphy that Mulholland had suffered a broken ankle.

Distict Judge Copeland commented: “I wonder how that happened.”

The case was adjourned until December 6 for a pre-sentence report to be prepared in the case.

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