It was only a properly and carefully fitted child seat which prevented tragedy.
The PSNI in Craigavon shared on social media the aftermath of an accident which happened yesterday (Tuesday).
They did so to highlight recent changes to car seat regulations – and reinforce the reason they exist.
The baby in this accident, fortunately, did not even have to go to hospital.
“The parents may be slightly disappointed at the loss of a nice car, but the main thing is their little munchkin is in one piece,” officers said.
“Thankfully, no-one was badly hurt in this one yesterday afternoon. If these parents hadn’t been so careful with picking and fitting their car seat, it could have been a much different story.”
The PSNI recently highlighted the changes on social media, which mean that manufacturers are no longer allowed to make new models of backless booster seats – or booster cushions – for younger children.
They state: “All existing safe and legal models are fine law wise. New backless booster seat models will only be made for children over 22kg in weight or 125cm in height. Under that height or weight, and it’s a child car seat. Also remember even above 125cm that ALL children must be in some form of child seat or booster restraint until they are either 12 years old, or 135cm tall.
“Another important thing to remember is the new i-size laws that are being phased in. I-size, simply, is the new safety standard. You’re OK with existing seats however around 2018 it may become mandatory. The new mandatory safety standard will be rear facing seats until 15 months, as well as side impact testing.”