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Defence said man was ‘unconscious’ in ambulance when caught with cocaine at hospital

He had originally claimed that the drug had been 'planted' on him

A man who had originally claimed cocaine must have been “planted” on him has now admitted being in possession of the Class A drug.

It was detected when he was in an ambulance at Craigavon Area Hospital.

Rian John O’Connor (28), of Willow Field Crescent in Craigavon, was in possession of 4.3 grammes of cocaine around midnight on May 26 last year. He had a previous record.

A prosecutor told Craigavon Magisrates’ Court the defendant was “asleep” in an ambulance when the drugs were located.

A defence barrister said the defendant had been “unconscious” in the ambulance when the drugs were found on him.

The lawyer said: “There was no reasonable explanation other than the fact that they belonged to him. The Crown take the view that this was personal use only.”

The defendant was fined £350.

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