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Demand for Children’s Services in Southern Trust greater than ever

Demand for Children’s Services in the Southern Health Trust is greater than ever, according to a senior direct.

Colm McCafferty, who leads the Children and Young People’s Services, says the rising demand is reflected in the increasing numbers of children coming into the care system.

He added that there was also an “increasing demand on mental health services, [and] increased referrals with regards to requirements for family support and Adult Community Services.”

Referring to a report presented to the Trust board, Mr McCafferty said: “Overall, it’s a picture of continued rise in demand. Obviously combined with that is the well referenced social work workforce challenges.

“It is reflective of society challenges in terms of the impact of domestic abuse, poverty, substance abuse, and increasingly geopolitical events with regards to persons seeking international protection, and ultimately the need to provide services.

“Despite those challenges, I am pleased to report that we are in a position of inching forward with increased performance with regards to delegated statutory functions.

“We are inching forward with regards to our ability to recruit newly-qualified social workers into the system, and that’s to be very welcome.

“We are operating in an environment of challenges around resources and the need to make efficiency savings.”

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