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Department plans public meetings on controversial breast assessment and stroke proposals

Confirmation that a review of breast cancer treatment services will be launched 'in the coming weeks'

Breast Cancer Centre Craigavon Hospital

A series of ‘public engagement’ events are being planned as part of the proposals to radically change breast assessment and stroke services across Northern Ireland.

There  are moves to cut the number of breast assessment units from five to three, with both Craigavon Area Hospital and Belfast City Hospital’s units earmarked for closure.

Under the separate ‘Re-shaping Stroke Care’ consultation, Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry would lose its Stroke Unit as it is not included in any of the options brought forward.

The Department of Health confirmed on Monday it is intending holding public engagement events on proposals to ‘re-shape’ stroke and breast assessment care.

The events cover health trust areas across Northern Ireland and are part of the public consultation processes which run until July 19.

Under the breast assessment proposals, services would be consolidated on three hospital sites.

A spokesperson for the Department for Health said: “The plans to consolidate breast assessment services reflect recommendations from a Project Board involving clinicians from across the Health and Social Care system.

“Breast screening services are not being changed, while a separate, clinically led review of breast treatment services will be launched in the coming weeks.

“The reshaping stroke proposals involve a new network of Hyperacute stroke units, ensuring patients have access to the best possible care in regional centres of excellence.”

Department of Health Permanent Secretary Richard Pengelly said the events will “allow us to set out the case for change in stroke and breast assessment care”.

He added: “Patients and the public will have the opportunity to discuss the services directly with Department and give their views on our proposals.

“We have made clear that if anyone has better evidence-based proposals on ensuring reliable quality care across the province, then we want to hear from them.”

Anyone planning to attend can register online at the links below.

All the events have a 7pm starting time

Reshaping Breast Assessment Care public engagement events:

10 June – Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey
12 June – Strangford Arms Hotel, Newtownards
13 June – Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh
24 June – Craigavon Civic Centre
25 June – Riddell Hall, Belfast

Registration – Book online at:

Reshaping Stroke Care public engagement events

17 June – Riddell Hall, Belfast
18 June – Downpatrick Race Course, Downpatrick
19 June – Killyhelvin Hotel, Enniskillen
1 July – Lodge Hotel, Coleraine
2 July – Canal Court Hotel, Newry

Registration – Book online at:

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