A Craigavon man who overturned a car whilst drink driving failed to give a blood sample because of a fear of needles, a court has heard.
Aaron Thomas Laverty, 27, of Westacres, pleaded guilty to driving without due care or attention, failing to report an accident and failing to provide a specimen for driving with excess alcohol at Craigavon Magistrates’ on Friday.
The incident occurred on May 27 at around 5.05am, when police were contacted to a report of an Astra overturned on the Dunbarton Street, Gilford, and damage to posts on an island.
Checks run by officers led them to the defendant as the owner of the vehicle.
At around 1.45pm Laverty was arrested and gave a preliminary breath test reading of 56mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.
In interview, he revealed he had come to fast around a corner and collided with the island.
Defence counsel explained Laverty only had third party and theft insurance that being the reason for abandoning the vehicle.
It was heard the defendant had not given a blood sample in custody with defence stating that this was due to a fear of needles.
He added that his client would have benefitted from doing so as officers noted no signs of him being drunk just a faint smell of alcohol on his breath.
District Judge Bernie Kelly banned Laverty from driving for 15 months, it was noted that this was longer than usual but she explained that it was due to the defendant not cooperating with police.
Laverty was also ordered to pay a fine of £475, along with the offender’s levy of £15.